Demi Lovato, an up and coming Disney channel star, has recently been admitted into rehab for her devastating conditions. Fans are in an uproar after seeing her photo tweeted on her twitter account showing her dramatic weight loss. Not only has her weight gone down, but so has her brain! She is cutting herself and finally reached her breaking point. She made the tough decision to check herself into a rehab center to get "professional help".
Can you imagine how these conditions are affecting Lovato's mainstream audience? Young girls have to watch her fight through Anorexia and depression. It is sad to think that a young girl, who already has plenty of self-esteem issues, has to watch her idol be unhappy with herself and her body. I could not imagine watching the person I looked up to suddenly go downhill right in front of my eyes. If she is not happy with herself, then why should I, as a young girl, be happy with myself?
I do not think Lovato realized how big of an impact a personal picture of herself could do to her career and fans. The photo revealed to the world that she was dealing with an eating disorder. Demi’s disorder is assumed to be Anorexia or Bulimia. She struggled through her teenage years with being unhappy with her body image. This eating disorder led to her bold statement of resulting to cutting her wrists leaving visible scars to paparazzi and fans. Lovato has returned from rehab and is trying to go on with her career. Hopefully, her fight will be a learning experience for young girls and not something they will want to mimic to be like their idol.
Demi Lovato Weight Loss. 2009. Lalate News. Web. 14 Mar. 2011.
This photo was one tweeted by Demi Lovato herself. It was published on a website for Lalate News along with an article elaborating on her conditions. This photo shows Demi Lovato's dramatic weight loss. It made a huge impact on her fans and evoked chaos within her fan world. This photo is available to everyone on the internet but is more accessible to Demi Lovato fans, being mostly young girls.
Can you imagine how these conditions are affecting Lovato's mainstream audience? Young girls have to watch her fight through Anorexia and depression. It is sad to think that a young girl, who already has plenty of self-esteem issues, has to watch her idol be unhappy with herself and her body. I could not imagine watching the person I looked up to suddenly go downhill right in front of my eyes. If she is not happy with herself, then why should I, as a young girl, be happy with myself?
I do not think Lovato realized how big of an impact a personal picture of herself could do to her career and fans. The photo revealed to the world that she was dealing with an eating disorder. Demi’s disorder is assumed to be Anorexia or Bulimia. She struggled through her teenage years with being unhappy with her body image. This eating disorder led to her bold statement of resulting to cutting her wrists leaving visible scars to paparazzi and fans. Lovato has returned from rehab and is trying to go on with her career. Hopefully, her fight will be a learning experience for young girls and not something they will want to mimic to be like their idol.
Demi Lovato Weight Loss. 2009. Lalate News. Web. 14 Mar. 2011.
This photo was one tweeted by Demi Lovato herself. It was published on a website for Lalate News along with an article elaborating on her conditions. This photo shows Demi Lovato's dramatic weight loss. It made a huge impact on her fans and evoked chaos within her fan world. This photo is available to everyone on the internet but is more accessible to Demi Lovato fans, being mostly young girls.
Hi Krissy,
ReplyDeleteI encourage you to be as sepcific as possible. For example, whhen you say, "I do not think Lovato realized what an impact a simple, personal picture of her could do. It basically revealed to the world that she had a problem," there are several opportunities for you to achieve specificity. For example, speculate about why Lovato did not realize the impact of the photo. Also, what kind of problem did the photo reveal to the world?
Avoid abstract words like, "something" and "emotional and physical problems." Replace the abstrations with what you mean. In other words, physical and emotional problems implies a host of conditions. What are you referring to?
Revise, revise, revise.
Warm wishes,
M. Tetterton