Saturday, March 19, 2011

McDonalds vs America

Supersize Me Clip

Why is it that American children are able to positively identify Ronald McDonald over Significant figures such as the president or Jesus? I feel this is the devastating result of a child's raising at home and the school systems. It is so sad to imagine what is being taught in schools and by the parents of these children. If a child knows a fast food figure over Jesus then there is a problem!
Apparently, these children are being taken to McDonald’s more than they are being taken to church! Overweight and Obese children are a product of their parents. Since a first grade child cannot drive themselves to restaurants or cook their own food, parents have to take responsibility. Building healthy lifestyles starts from day one of life. It is almost not fair to a child of this age to expose them to fast food. Of course it tastes good and it is fun to play on the playground, but the parent is destroying their child’s body.
Obesity is a very common eating disorder among American people and is growing as the years go. It is so common that America as a country is known for being fat! We, as American citizens, need to realize that the disease is being developed in children and could haunt them for the rest of their lives, leading to the reputation that the U.S.A. has. As a parent this realization could be the ultimate change in the lifestyle of, not only their children, but also of all overweight Americans. Come on America, make a change for the children.

Supersize Me- American Children Being Interrogated. Dir. Morgan Spurlock. Perf. First Grade Students. 10 June 2008. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.

The clip was taken from a full length movie called Supersize me. It was posted on the website for any viewers. It is an interview portion of the movie where the director, Morgan Spurlock, interviews first grade students about significant authority figures in America. The product of the children knowing certain figures over other is a result of Obesity in young children.

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